(old inrovideo)
Welcome to this brief tour of Protobi.
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Create a new project by dragging in a CSV or SPSS file, or open an existing project.
Here we'll use the car sales open from SPSS.
Protobi displays data as:
- Interactive elements in the center
- A tree on the left
- A toolbar at the top that shows our current sample size, and provides other capabilities
Press on Dodge to drill into elements where the car make is Dodge.
We can see our sample size is now 11, click the N= button to see a current scenario, which is manufact equals Dodge.
Press again to clear findings. Elements are arranged conceptually into groups on the left and into tabs across the top.
Tabs are top level groups. In the tab metrics, we can vehicle type and vehicle efficiency in miles per gallon. We can click on autos and trucks.
We can also make the baseline visible. Now, as we look at trucks we can see that they're more likely to have a lower MPG.
The difference is statistically significant as indicated by triangle icons. Baseline is displayed as a black outline, where our current scenario is colored solid bars.
We can see here, trucks are more likely to have an MPG rating in the 10-15 or 15-20 MPG range, compared to our baseline which is right now, all vehicles.
We can do a more systematic comparison, by dragging one element on top of another to create an individual crosstab. Here, we can see the distribution for MPG for both automobiles and trucks.
Shading highlights statistically significant differences. We can drag vehicle type out of MPG to uncross. Here, we peak at some of Protobi's basic capabilities. We'll see much more in additional videos.