
This video shows you how to explore, analyze and export your survey data using Protobi. 

Main panel
Open your project, and you’ll see that Protobi shows each survey question as interactive charts, which we call “elements”. 

Press to query
You can press on any value to drill into a subset of respondents who gave that answer.
Here we can click on Specialty to see only answers from Practice Nurses.

Drilling in anywhere drills in everywhere. All charts now only show responses from Practices Nurses. You’ll notice, when you drill in the bars look a little different.

There’s a solid bar, and a thin black outline. The solid bars and counts reflect the current subset. The thin black outlines reflect the baseline population.

These outlines highlight what’s different. For instance, we can see that the solid bar frequencies for “Before 2000” and “2000-2009” exceed the black outlines.

This means Practice Nurses are more likely to have started practice earlier than the overall population. There are also small blue triangles that represent statistical significance.

If you hover over the percent. You’ll see that, only 15% of nurses started in 2015-2019, which is significantly lower than the baseline 31%.

Because we’re drilled into Practice nurses only, the N, which is in this toolbar up top has changed from 100 to 40. To remove all filters press ‘clear’ on the toolbar, or press the ‘esc’ key.

There are a couple more ways to query. To choose more than one value, hold down the Alt key. Alt + Press to filter for multiple values.

To exclude a value hold down the Shift key. You can filter on more than one element for more complex queries.

For instance, we can select nurses who entered practice after 2010.

To the left of the main panel, the survey is organized conceptually in what we call a tree. It’s an expandable list of all the elements.

Square icons represent groups, and you can see the elements under a group by clicking on the square to expand.

Or find questions using the search bar. If you double click on a question the main panel will jump to that view. 

You can create crosstabs for systematic comparisons in Protobi. Drag one element onto another. The colored cells highlight statistically significant differences.

To remove the crosstab press the X. You can crosstab the entire survey, drag an element to the crosstab button on the toolbar.

To remove the global crosstab, press ‘clear’ on the dropdown. There are different questions types you might see in your survey. S1: Specialty is a single select question.

Q10 here is a rating scale question. And by default, Protobi shows the distribution and sample size. But you can customize the view.  For instance, we can show additional statistics.

Press the blue circle icon, choose “Statistics” and select “Mean” and “Median” Let’s also add a top box score to show respondents who answered 9 or 10. An element with a circle icon like Q10 is a single question from your survey.

I mentioned earlier, square icons are groups. And each element under the group represents a different question or a sub-question. Q2 is a group of numeric response questions.

The respondent enters a proportion of patients that are on each therapy. Initially the view shows just the mean value for each therapy.

We call this a compact group, and you can press on the triangle to see more details. Hover above the frequency bars, and press the #/% to sort the therapies by mean.

Q7 is a text open-end question. Here we’re just showing the raw verbatims, but Protobi has tools to recode open-ends.

This video won’t go into detail on recoding, but check out our Text open-end section on our help site. Another question type is a numeric response question like Q1. Numeric response values are typically auto-binned into ranges for analysis.

Again, you can customize the view in Protobi.  For instance, change the bin ranges from 20 to 10. Press the blue circle icon and select

Round by…
Select Custom, enter ‘10’ and press Ok. There are many more ways to design how you see your data in Protobi. The toolbar has buttons for common tasks.

I mentioned the toolbar earlier to look at the survey N, and to use global crosstabs. You can also toggle values from percents to counts using the #/% button. You can get data out of Protobi using the “Export” button.

First select the elements you want to export. You can even select entire groups. Now press the export button to choose a file type.

Elements can be exported as charts to PowerPoint, tables to Excel, or a CSV file. Charts export as native PowerPoint objects. Questions exported to Excel tables show percents and counts. Questions can be exported to labeled or raw CSV files.

Thanks for watching this video demo. Protobi has many features to further customize projects. Check out our other videos to learn more.