Save project changes

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Save button

Green save button

The save button is in the toolbar. When you make edits, the button will turn green. Press it to save your edits to the project. 

Yellow save button

If another user saves changes, the save button turns yellow. This will also happen if you have the project open on multiple browser tabs. If you press "save" on one of the browser tabs, then the save button on the other tabs where you have the same project open will turn yellow. 

If you press the yellow save button, Protobi will prompt you to confirm the save. 

  • Cancel: Your edits will not be saved to the project.
  • Save: Your edits will overwrite the changes another user saved.
  • Reload: Your browser page will reload and you will see the changes the other user saved.

Bubble in the upper right hand corner shows user count

In the upper right hand corner there is a bubble that shows the count of users that are currently in the project. 

Press on the bubble to see a dropdown menu that shows current viewers.

Like the save button, the bubble turns yellow when another user saves changes. The dropdown also notes recent saves with a timestamp.

Just like the save button, when the bubble turns yellow you should reload the browser page without saving if you don't want to overwrite the other user's updates.

Notice that users that have multiple tabs of the same project open will have a count next to their email, i.e. (2). 

Users should not edit simultaneously

Protobi does not work like a Google sheet where all users in the sheet will see changes appear while users edits. Users should not edit simultaneously because whoever "saves" the project in the end will overwrite the other users' edits. 

The yellow save button and user count bubble are safeguards to warn users before they overwrite each others changes. However, if you do accidentally overwrite another user's save, we can always restore saved versions of the project from project history

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