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Intro to Protobi
Protobi project management
Project flow
Protobi quick-start tutorial (slides)
Create a new project
Initial design work session
Toolbar shortcuts cheat sheet
Learning with Protobi tutorials
Basic navigation in Protobi
Basic project setup
Tips to save analysts time with Protobi
Intro to Protobi
Editor Panel
Organizing the view
Move, mirror, clone to organize the view
Chart gallery: save preset chart templates
New and updated articles
Release notes
Protect elements from deletion
How Protobi rounds raw and calculated values
Create a dropdown menu for filters
Create custom charts: TargetSorter
Edit multiple elements at once
See and edit data for charts in table view
Tips for open-end recoding
Count elements, data columns and rows in a project
Create and export stylized crosstab tables
Exclude "don't know" values
How to set up projects neatly and quickly
Basics for viewers
Press to query
Baseline data
Blank, skipped, and missing values
Global filters
Export data
Sorting responses
Display top box scores
Create multiple versions of your chart filtered on banner values
Editor Panel
Basics for editors
JSON editor
Chart types
Compact questions into concise views
Calculating ratios
Bin values into numeric ranges
Summary statistics
Extract common text from titles
Translate languages
Ways to display rankings
Element specific filters
Use Autogroup to quickly organize your survey
Value formats
Headline, title, display key and footnote
Hide or delete
Simple open-end recoding
Edit properties dialog
Use alternative values to calculate summary statistics
Basic project setup
Recode dialog
Apply skip logic
More chart properties
Tips to design neat and engaging projects
Editor Panel
How elements get their data: field, element and transform
Protobi's order of operations
Copy/paste elements to create different views or apply attributes from one element to another
Edit multiple elements at once
See and edit data for charts in table view
Intermediate topics for editors
Date/time values
Extreme values: Winsorize, trim or retain?
JSON syntax
Splitting text responses
Calculate/Transform dialog
Numeric variables with long-tail distributions
Kaplan-Meier curves
Replace missing values with zeros
Transform a group into its compact values
Date/time calculations
Duplicate or "clone" a workspace
Transform to condense
Comparing dates
Count checkbox selections
Use slide layout to build your report
Show text, images and videos in your project
Quality check responses and flag outliers
Check for straight-liners with standard deviation
Generate large crosstabs to Excel using Protobi’s SuperTables
Create custom charts
Create a new workspace for a tracking study
Create custom charts: TargetSorter
Create and automate reports in Protobi
Chart types
TopBoxTornado for multiple ratings
Van Westendorp's Price Sensitivity Meter
Venn diagrams
Sankey flow diagrams
Google Maps chart
US State maps
Cumulative line charts
Print layout charts (beta)
Create a dropdown menu for filters
Create custom charts: TargetSorter
Text open-end questions
Condense text open-ends
Splitting text responses
Search open-ends using regular expression
Word clouds
Search and filter text open-ends
Let's make a word cloud
Recode text for analysis
Condense text open-ends video
Simple open-end recoding
Separate words in text open-ends
Search and filter text responses
Advanced open-end recoding
Display open-ends in a grid that shows both raw and coded values
Advanced tool to recode text open-ends
Set up open-end questions for easy recoding
How elements get their data: field, element and transform
Tips for handling open-ends in tracker projects
Tips for open-end recoding
Tracking studies
Move, mirror, clone to organize the view
Global filters
Combine multiple waves of data
Tracking studies
Generate large crosstabs to Excel using Protobi’s SuperTables
Create a new workspace for a tracking study
Chart gallery: save preset chart templates
Set up open-end questions for easy recoding
How elements get their data: field, element and transform
Tips for handling open-ends in tracker projects
NHANES Insights in Protobi
For project admins
Project permissions
Project history
Custom PowerPoint template
Project overview and branding
Project data
Project settings
Project properties
Okta authentication
Project wiki pages
Project to-do
Modify survey data
Stats tests for “statistical significance”
Reconcile question numbers across waves
Tracking studies
Set project language
Project elements
Use table properties to store and retrieve pre-defined variables for data process
Count elements, data columns and rows in a project
Process data in Protobi
Replace missing values with zeros
Filter or remove respondents
Modify survey data
Clean/process data
Join additional data to your project
JavaScript basics
Stack survey data loops
Combine multiple waves of data
Combine data from multiple projects
Use JavaScript to process data
Asynchronous vs Simple data process
Weight to multiple target characteristics
Use loops to write efficient JavaScript
Temper market share data
Use table properties to store and retrieve pre-defined variables for data process
Advanced topics
Putting numbers up front for scale questions
Protobi REST API
Protobi R library
Customize Protobi style
Protobi pages
Advanced design
Survey data loops in Protobi
Cluster analysis and segmentation
Protobi Web API
Import layout data from Confirmit
JavaScript cheat sheet
Comparing percentages:Independent vs paired samples
Protobi JSON API
Specify custom stats test algorithms
How to...
Adjust decimals shown
Share a project
Export data from a project
Resize charts
Change toolbar position
Move questions (elements)
Delete elements
Separate words in text open-ends
Upload new data into an existing project
Change sections to a tab view
Search and filter text responses
Group values into custom categories
Create a crosstab
Extract common text from titles
Copy an element into a different tab
Edit display keys and titles
Clone an element within the same tab
Compact set of questions
Include a response in multiple codes
Set project default to not show NA
Open a project
Group questions together
Engage Protobi support
Exclude zero values from stats
Replace response values or characters
Show text that is cut off
Show N size for a group of elements
Copy titles from all children of one group to another
Select elements to export, group, etc...
Add a project intro
How to remove decimals from bins
Hide toolbar buttons
Add a new tab
Create a new element
Toggle from percent to respondent count
Hide tabs from view users
Untitled Article
Blank titles in compact groups
Save project changes
Drill into a subset of respondents
Intro to Protobi
Get started
Press to drill in
Toggle percentages & counts
Missing values
Bin ranges for numeric questions
Checkboxes & Numeric grids
Search and filter text open-ends
Cloud translations
Chart types
Ratings questions
Create a new project
Export to PowerPoint & Excel
Testing video keyword
Let's make a word cloud
Project flow
Clone elements
Recode text for analysis
Organize the data view
Weight data
Calculate ratios
Import a new data set
Condense ranking questions into a compact view
Condense text open-ends video
"is," "or," and "not" queries
Calculate simple ratios
Advanced tool to recode text open-ends
Intro to Protobi
Tips for open-end recoding
Create and export stylized crosstab tables
API References
Protobi REST API
Toolbar shortcuts cheat sheet
Protobi Web API
API reference sheets
Protobi JSON API
How to use Embedded JavaScript in Protobi
Protobi JavaScript API cheatsheet