When you open a Protobi project you see how the app displays data in an interactive view. This tutorial shows some functions of Protobi associated with basic navigation. To see a demo project, check out the Example Pharma Survey

Navigation components: 

  • Tabs (top level groups/elements) with each question appearing as an interactive chart
  • A tree with all groups and elements organized into a compact view
  • A toolbar with buttons that modify the data view
  • Editor panel and context menu with options to modify the view of individual elements


Questions are displayed as interactive charts on tabs. Each interactive chart in Protobi is called an "Element." Each top level group or element is its own tab.

Create a new tab by pressing the "+" sign. 

Interactive elements

Each element has an icon represented by a circle. When you see a square instead of a circle, it means that it's a set of elements. In Protobi, a set of elements is called a group. We often refer to groups as "parents" and their elements as "children."

Select elements

When you press once on the header or name of an element you select that element. To deselect the element, press on it again. 

An alternative is to press on the element's context menu icon, and choose "Select".


Questions are organized conceptually into a tree on the left.

The tree is a useful navigation tool:

  • Expand/ collapse groups within the tree
  • Filter from the search bar to find an element
  • Double press to go to a specific element

Expand and collapse groups

Press the triangles next to the search bar to expand/ collapse all top level groups.

You can also press on the element icon (square) to expand/collapse groups individually.

Go to an element 

You can filter for an element using the search bar, and pan the view to a specific element by double pressing an an element's name. 


The toolbar houses some key Protobi functions that are fundamental to modifying your project view.

The default view of the toolbar is at the top of the page. If you're an admin, you can change toolbar position in project properties

A few basic functions to take note of:

  • The N= button indicates the current sample size
  • The export button lets you download data from the project
    • Select the element(s), then press the export button to choose a download format
  • The save button lets you save changes to the project

The function of other buttons are further analyzed in subsequent tutorials. See our shortcuts cheat sheet for brief descriptions of every button. 

Editor panel

The Editor Panel is accessible from every element by pressing on the gear on the right side of the header.

This feature has many different dialogs into one editor. 

Open the editor panel on any element, and press on the different dialog headers to expand the options. 

Context menu

Each element also has a context menu-- whichever menu item you press will take you to that dialog within our new Editor panel. 

If you want to access any of the old dialogs, use the keyboard shortcuts. 

Context menus are also accessible from the tree. Press the "..." next to an element or group. 

For compacted groups, you can access the context menus of child elements by right clicking on the respective triangle to the left. Or you can access the context menu from the tree (seen above). 

Press links for detailed tutorials:


In your project there is a blue question mark in the upper right corner. Press on the icon to bring up the question form. Inquiries sent this way notify the support team of which project the question was sent from.

Alternatively, you can email support@protobi.com. If you have an open support ticket about the same project, we recommend users reply to the original support ticket.