By default, Protobi shows the distribution and sample size (aka "basis") for all elements and the mean for all numeric elements. For example the following shows a distribution and mean for S2., "How long you have you been in practice?"

View stats

But you can choose which summary statistics you want to see for any question. Select the circle or square icon for any element and choose the menu item "Statistics..."

Adjust stats

This will bring up a dialog that allows you to choose which statistics you want to see. In addition to selecting the summary stats also check the "Apply recursively to this element and all sub elements?" checkbox at the bottom of the dialog so the child elements in a group get the same statistics. 

Below is an example with almost all options selected:

Topbox or custom nets

You can create nets that include values of your choice. Use the boxes at the bottom of dialog to specify a custom statistic. Add the values you want to include, and give the stat a label. If unspecified, the label will be "4, or 5". 


Statistics selections you make for a group will propagate to all children of the group (and recursively to their children).

Control stats order and labels

To specify what order preset statistics like basis and mean appear in, use the stats boxes instead. 

Enter a dollar sign before the stat value (e.g. $mean). Using the stat box instead of selecting the preset stat means you can add a label to the stat, here the mean is labeled as "Average". 
