With Protobi's new slide layout, you can start building your report within the project view. Slide layout let's you arrange elements like a PowerPoint slide. 


Slide layout

To access slide layout press on the element's context menu and choose "Chart Type...". From the chart type dialog choose "slide".  


The element (Q3) is still editable like elements not in slide layout view. The context menu is still accessible under the element's icon and you can continue to make adjustments to the view. 

In slide layout, the chart appears on the right. The title text, which usually contains the question prompt is on the left. 



The bold text that appears below the element header is the headline . It's another new feature that can help you tell the story. The headline for an element should contain the key takeaway from the chart. Many elements may not need a headline.


Edit headline

When you choose slide layout for an element that doesn't have a headline, a box that says "Edit headline" should appear. Click to add the headline. 


Another way to edit the headline is from the "More properties..." dialog under the element's context menu. 


Export to PowerPoint

The image below is what the element Q3 looks like when exported into the Default Protobi template. You can use your own template for a project by setting a custom PowerPoint template for exporting.

When exported to PowerPoint, headline will  appear as the PowerPoint slide's title. The question prompt will be placed in a text box left of the chart. 

Include multiple elements on one slide

You can also include multiple elements on one slide. Simply apply slide layout at the group level (i.e. Q7).

Click+drag to change chart placement on the slide

You can directly click+drag on the blue handle on the upper left hand corner of an element to move it, making it easy to control the precise placement of the charts on the slide.