Basics "View"

1. Sign into Protobi

2. Project flow

3. Initial design work session

4. Click to query

5. Baseline

6. Blanked, skipped, and missing values

7. Global filters

8. Scenarios

9. Crosstabs

10. Text verbatims

11. Exporting data

Reference material:

  • Shortcuts cheat sheet
  • Protobi quick-start PowerPoint tutorial


1. Round by...bin numeric values

2. Summary statistics

3. Colors

4. Format dialog

5. Code text verbatims

6. Element specific filters

7. Charts

8. Element properties

9. JSON editor

10. Compact to...

11. Transform

12. Project properties


1. PairedTable

2. TopxBoxTornado for multiple ratings

3. Cumulative line charts

4. Venn diagrams

5. Word clouds

6. Sankey flow diagrams

7. US State maps

8. Google Maps chart

9. Kaplan- Meier curves

10. Van Westendorp's Price Sensitivity Meter


1. Autogroup

2. Hide, remove, delete

3. Clone or copy

4. Replace missing values with zeros

5. Titles, display key, and footnotes

6. Translate languages

7. Extract common text

8. Splitting text responses

9. Condense text verbatims

10. Condense related questions: Ratings

11. Ways to display rankings

12. Extreme values: Winsorize, trim or retain?

13. Numeric variables with long-tail distributions

14. Date/time values

15. Calculating ratios

16. Weights

17. JSON syntax for elements

How to... 

1. How to share a project

2. How to export data from a project

3. How to upload new data into an existing project

4. How to move questions (elements)

5. How to resize charts

6. How to change titles on elements

7. How to extract common text titles

8. How to create a crosstab

9. How to change toolbar position

10. How to put elements on individual tabs

11. How to adjust decimals shown

12. How to search and filter text responses

13. How to separate words in text verbatims

14. How to recode text responses into custom categories

15. How to include a response in multiple codes

16. How to copy an elements into different tab

17. How to clone an element within the same tab

18. How to compact set of questions

19. How to remove respondents from a project

Admin topics

1. Project settings

2. Project overview

3. Project data

4. Update project data

5. Project permissions

6. Project history

7. Create a new project


1. Customize Protobi style

2. Create new chart types

3. Custom PowerPoint template

4. Protobi pages

5. Stacking survey data loops in Protobi

6. Protobi REST API

7. Process data in Protobi

8. Filter or remove respondents

9. Protobi R library

10. Unable to drag and drop in Internet Explorer


1. Intro to Protobi

2. Project flow

3. Import a new data set

4. Create a new project

5. Get started

6. Click to drill in

7. Toggle percentages & counts

8. Missing values

9. Bin ranges for numeric questions

10. Crosstabs

11. Checkboxes & Numeric grids

12. Search and filter text open-ends

13. Cloud translations

14. Chart types

15. Ratings questions

16. Export to PowerPoint & Excel

17. Let's make a word cloud

18. Clone elements

19. Recode text analysis

20. Organize the data view

21. Weight data

22. Calculate ratios

23. Condense related questions

24. Condense multiple text columns

25. "is," "or," and "not" queries